Determination of sugars and sweeteners in food

This five-day intensive training course takes place at our Institute for Food Safety in Linz. The aim is to teach the analysis of sugars and sweeteners from sample to test report with a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application. The analysis of sugars is an important part of nutritional analysis. In particular, testing for specific sugars is becoming increasingly important in the evaluation of adulterated products (e.g. honey).

You will gain knowledge of the relevant legal principles and frameworks that validate analytical methods, quality assurance, and the evaluation and interpretation of results. Each participant performs the relevant procedures on real samples under professional supervision in a fully equipped laboratory.

Target group
This laboratory course provides scientific and regulatory sound, theoretical and practical knowledge in the analysis of sugars and sweeteners for

  • analysts
  • Heads of laboratories
  • Experts and assessors in quality management, research and consulting for food manufacturers and control bodies
  • Interested persons

Participation limit
Five-day standard course for max. four persons

on request

AGES GmbH Wieningerstraße 8 | A-4020 Linz, Austria

Responsible for content
Dipl.-Ing. Armin Raditschnig
Department of Pollutant Analysis National Reference Laboratory for Mycotoxins Institute for Food Safety Linz, AGES

on request

AGES Akademie

Last updated: 10.10.2023

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