Iodine in food by ICP-MS
This course takes place at our AGES National Reference Laboratory for Metals and Nitrogenous Compounds in Food and Feed in Linz, Upper Austria. The five-day course focuses on a combination of theoretical background knowledge and practical skills in the analysis of iodine by ICP-MS.
You will acquire knowledge of relevant standards, method validation and analytical expertise in the determination of extractable and total iodine by ICP-MS in food and feed. Each participant performs the analysis on real samples and acquires practical knowledge of the entire analytical procedure - from sample preparation and extraction or digestion to measurement and evaluation of the resulting data.
- Sample management via LIMS
- Sample preparation, extraction and digestion
- Intensive training in routine methods
- Evaluation of the acquired data and possible interferences
- Possible QA strategies and method validation
- Discussion of specific requirements that participants may have.
- Review of relevant standards and EU directives
- Overview of how the NRL works
Target audience
- Analysts
- Laboratory personnel
- Heads of laboratories
- Interested persons
Limit of participation
Five-day standard course for max. four persons
on request
AGES GmbH Wieningerstraße 8 | A-4020 Linz, Austria
Responsible for content
Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Gerhard Liftinger
Department of Chemical Analysis of Elements Institute of Animal Nutrition and Feed, AGES
on request
AGES Akademie
- +4350555-25201
1220 Wien
Spargelfeldstraße 191
Last updated: 10.10.2023
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