Health for humans, animals & plants

October 16 is World Food Day

| 1 min read
Human Plant Environment

The motto for this year's World Food Day is "Leaving no one behind." According to the UN, some 700 to 830 million people worldwide would suffer from hunger in 2021, equivalent to one in ten people on earth.

The FAO, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization, has chosen the motto "Leaving no one behind" for this year's World Food Day: According to the UN, some 700 to 830 million people worldwide would suffer from hunger in 2021, equivalent to one in ten of the world's population. Worldwide, more than 80 percent of the extreme poor live in rural areas and many rely on agriculture and natural resources for their livelihoods. They tend to be most affected by natural and man-made disasters.

By conducting audits and providing technical support to agriculture, we are helping to ensure food security in soil, seed, variety, fertilization and crop protection, especially when considering climate change and sustainability. The provision of diverse plant varieties and species serves as a contribution to future challenges to plant cultivation and food production. Austria's national gene bank provides more than 4500 samples for breeding and research worldwide.

What can individuals do?

  • Reach for seasonal fruits and vegetables, this avoids imports and saves a lot of CO2
  • Choose products from sustainable cultivation
  • Buy only what you eat
  • Participate in food-sharing programs. Only throw away what is spoiled
| 1 min read
Human Plant Environment

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