Health for humans, animals & plants

Tar dyes in egg colors

| 1 min read
Main focus Pollutants

Final Report of Priority Action A-006-17

In the course of the focus action, dye mixtures for coloring the shells of eggs were tested for their food law-compliant labeling and composition. 23 samples from all over Austria were examined. Six samples were objected to:

  • Three egg colors contained dyes not permitted in egg colors (one sample from plant components of red ox tongue (Alkanna tinctoria), two samples erythrosine = E 127).
  • In two egg colors, the dye content did not correspond to the declared amount.
  • One sample had inadmissible claims about the "naturalness" of the colorant mixture

Certain food colorants may not be sold to end consumers: E 123 (amaranth), E 127 (erythrosine), E 160b (annatto (bixin, norbixin)), E 161g (canthaxantin), E 173 (aluminum) and E 180 (litholrubin BK) and mixtures thereof. This also applies to egg colors containing one or more of these dyes. Plant components of red ox-tongue (Alkanna tinctoria) are not permitted for coloring eggshells.

| 1 min read
Main focus Pollutants

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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