Health for humans, animals & plants

Hydrogen peroxide in tooth whitening products

| 1 min read
Main focus Cosmetician

Final report of the priority action A-043-17

The objective of the "Hydrogen peroxide in tooth whitening products" focus action was to check whether the specified use concentrations for hydrogen peroxide in tooth whitening products for the "home whitening" product sector or for products from the trade that are intended for sale to dentists are being adhered to. The declaration of the necessary instructions for use and warnings was also checked. 18 samples from all over Austria were examined. Two samples were rejected:

  • A tooth whitening gel for splints advertised with the claim "non peroxide", although according to the list of ingredients it contained the hydrogen peroxide-releasing substance "Sodium Carbonate Peroxide". This product was objected to on the basis of feigned characteristics and lack of proof of efficacy
  • One product lacked mandatory warnings for hydrogen peroxide and sodium fluoride

Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent and as such a strong bleaching and disinfecting agent. Cosmetic products may contain no more than 6% hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide releasing compounds. Products containing more than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide may only be sold to dentists.

| 1 min read
Main focus Cosmetician

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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