Health for humans, animals & plants

Safety of projectile toys - potential danger

| 2 min read
Main focus Toy

Final report of the priority action A-046-18

The aim of the focus action was to verify to what extent the projectile toys currently on the Austrian market meet the requirements of the European standard EN 71-1 and to withdraw dangerous products from circulation. 49 samples from all over Austria were examined:

  • A total of 26 samples were objected to

Toys must meet numerous safety requirements. In the case of projectile toys, the shape and structure of projectiles, as well as the kinetic energy they can unleash, must be such that there is no risk of injury to the user of the toy or to third parties. The chapter of the European Standard EN 71 Part 1 "Projectile toys" has been fundamentally revised. In the new version, in addition to the introduction of new toy categories (e.g. toy catapults), new test methods or evaluation criteria have been defined. One of the most fundamental changes is the replacement of the evaluation of the "maximum kinetic energy" by the "kinetic energy per unit area". In addition to the maximum kinetic energy, the impact area of a projectile is also included. Furthermore, new criteria were defined for projectiles with foam shafts and suction cups as impact tips with regard to the detachability of the suction cup.

The evaluation of defined improvised projectiles (e.g. pencil or nail) was also added as a new test. Until the end of the transition period (28.2.2019), toys may still be manufactured according to the "old" version EN 71-1:2014.

| 2 min read
Main focus Toy

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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