Health for humans, animals & plants

Safety of baby dolls and baby doll sets

| 1 min read
Main focus Toy

Final Report of Priority Action A-030-21

The aim of the focus action was to verify compliance with the requirements of the Toy Ordinance and the Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) with regard to baby dolls on the Austrian market. 64 samples from all over Austria were examined. 15 samples were objected to (in some cases several times):

  • Nine samples because of safety deficiencies such as detachable or existing small parts whose risk was not yet assessed as "serious risk" (equivalent to "harmful to health") (e.g. detachable eyelash curls, retaining clips, rubber rings) and accessible filling material.
  • In five samples, the labeling was objected to (mainly due to wrongly applied warnings)
  • One sample showed deficiencies with regard to the toy labeling regulation (defective CE labeling)
  • Eight samples due to a missing or defective EC declaration of conformity

With regard to the chemicals tested (banned phthalates), no sample was objectionable in this year's campaign.

| 1 min read
Main focus Toy

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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