Health for humans, animals & plants

Formamid in Puzzlematten

| 1 min read
Main focus Pollutants Toy

Final report of the priority action A-034-17

The aim of the focus action "Formamide in puzzle mats" was to check whether the legal requirements for toys made of EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) and similar (foam) materials are met.

25 samples from Upper Austria, Tyrol and Vienna were examined. 23 samples were rejected:

  • The majority of the complaints concerned incorrect labeling and inadequate EC declaration of conformity.
  • The content limit for formamide was exceeded in six samples.
  • In one sample, which was suitable for children under 3 years of age, small parts were detachable.
  • One sample was not saliva or perspiration resistant and was therefore judged unsuitable for intended use

Formamide is a commonly used solvent in the manufacture of plastics. An emission limit value in conjunction with a content limit value is specified for formamide in foam toy material. As long as the content limit value is not exceeded, it can be assumed that the emission limit value is also complied with. If the content limit value is exceeded, there is reason to suspect that the emission limit value is also not complied with.

| 1 min read
Main focus Pollutants Toy

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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