Health for humans, animals & plants

Alternative products to single-use plastic applications based on natural materials

| 1 min read
Main focus Commodities

Final Report of Priority Action A-002-21

The aim of the focus action was to examine alternative materials based on natural substances to existing plastic products for food contact with regard to compliance with the general requirements of the LMSVG. For example, textile-based cling wipes with a wax coating, drinking straws made of paper or bamboo, containers such as plates, bowls and cups made of sugar cane, palm leaf or cardboard, and cutlery and similar items made of wood were examined. Forty-eight samples from all over Austria were examined.

Four samples were objected to:

  • three samples were objected to with regard to misleading - claims of special characteristics
  • two samples were objected to for misleading - inaccurate effects
  • two samples were found to be adversely affecting foodstuffs.

All samples objected to were cling wipes consisting of textiles with a wax layer. There were no complaints in the other product categories.

| 1 min read
Main focus Commodities

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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