Institute for Veterinary Medicine Mödling
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friedrich Schmoll
- +43 50 555-38112
- +43 50 555-38529
2340 Mödling
Robert Koch-Gasse 17
Dr. Zoltan Bagó
- +43 50 555-38360
2340 Mödling
Robert Koch-Gasse 17
Dr. Hubert Weinberger
- +43 50 555-38362
2340 Mödling
Robert Koch-Gasse 17
Sample material
According to ÖNORM EN ISO 18743:2015, a sample quantity of at least 2 g must be taken from domestic pigs and at least 4 g from breeding pigs.
Samples of at least 10 g must be taken from the antebrachium, tongue or diaphragm of wild boar, and a sample of at least 10 g must be taken from the tongue or jaw muscle of horses. If this musculature is missing in solipeds, a larger sample must be taken from a diaphragm pillar at the transition from the muscular to the sinewy part. The muscle must be free of connective tissue and fat.
In badgers, a sample of at least 20 g must be taken, with the predilection sites being the tongue, the masseter muscle or the diaphragm.
The test material must be packed in leak-proof packaging, labelled in an assignable manner and accompanied by a fully completed submission form. The application form for Trichinella testing at AGES Mödling is available on request at or in printed form at the AGES site in Mödling (Robert-Koch-Gasse 17, 2340 Mödling).
Sample submission
Samples can be submitted in person at the Institute for Veterinary Examinations Mödling. Samples can be handed in to the porter at any time outside opening hours.
Samples can also be sent by courier service (e.g. Medlog) or post (EMS).
Please note: Sample containers for individual samples cannot be returned.
Testing times/duration
Samples are tested from Monday to Friday with the exception of public holidays. All samples received at the institute by 9.00 a.m. are analysed and diagnosed on the same day.
Testing costs
On request
Testreports & invoices
Test reports and invoices will now only be sent by e-mail!
Further information
For further information please contact
Opening hours and sample delivery Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Outside office hours, urgent samples can be delivered to the porter, stating the client and using a valid form. Information on findings Suspected epidemic cases only by telephone arrangement at +43 664 9670940 or +43 664 8398216 around the clock.
Further information Please deliver animal carcasses that are not intended for post-mortem examination to the addresses provided for this purpose in the place of origin: e.g. for Mödling: Guntramsdorf waste transfer station, Viaduktstraße 5 2353 Guntramsdorf
mit dem Auto
Abfahrt Wr. Neudorf benützen dort rechts einreihen, Richtung Wr. Neudorf und Mödling
beim Überkopfwegweiser an der B 17 (Triesterstraße) geradeaus Richtung Industriezentrum Süd West
dem Straßenverlauf folgen (Sie fahren bei folgenden Firmengebäuden vorbei: ABB, Autohaus Zitta, Fa. Purator) bis zum Wegweiser „Österr. AGES GmbH. Veterinärmedizin"
Dann rechts abbiegen 2. Gasse nach links in die Robert-Koch-Gasse Nr. 17.
sind im Bereich der AGES vorhanden
mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
ÖBB oder S-Bahn bis Bhf. Mödling benützen (1 Kernzone, 1 Außenzone) von Wien kommend
dort bis zum Abgang Mödlingbach gehen
nach dem Abgang links bis zur Holzbrücke nach rechts bis zum Gebäude der Bezirkshauptmannschaft Mödling (roter Klinkerbau zugleich auch Kreuzungsbereich mit der Schillerstraße)
dort nach links bis zur 1. Ampel Kreuzung Hartigstraße
nach rechts bis zum Wegweiser „Österr. AGES GmbH., Veterinärmedizin“
nach links bis Robert-Koch-Gasse
nach rechts bis zur Einfahrt Nr. 17
Intervallzeiten der Züge ca. alle 15 Minuten in Richtung Mödling und Wien.
Mit der Badner Bahn bis Station Griesfeld fahren und zur Robert-Koch-Gasse (über Kindergarten) gehen.
Institute for Veterinary Medicine Linz
Dr. Michael Dünser
- +43 50 555-45111
- +43 50 555-45109
4020 Linz
Wieningerstraße 8
Opening hours and sample delivery Monday - Thursday: 7.30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m. Friday: 7.30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
In urgent cases (suspected epidemic) also outside opening hours by telephone arrangement at +43 664 8398178 around the clock.
mit dem Auto
aus Richtung Wien/Salzburg/Wels (A1)
Beim Knoten Linz auf die A7 auffahren
bei der 3. Abfahrt „NEUE HEIMAT“ abfahren
Nach Einmündung in die B1 (Salzburger Straße) bei der 1. Ampel (Reifen John/Interspar) rechts Richtung „BINDERMICHL/KEFERFELD/OED“ in die „Landwiedstraße“ einbiegen
Dem Straßenverlauf ca. 1,5 km folgen, und bei der 3. Ampelkreuzung (beim Volkshaus Keferfeld) links in die Meggauerstraße einfahren
Die 2. Querstraße links ist die Wieningerstraße
aus Richtung Prag/Freistadt (A7)
Nach dem Bindermichl-Tunnel die rechts abzweigende Abfahrt „SALZBURGER STRASSE“
bei der 1. Ampel (Reifen John/Interspar) rechts Richtung „BINDERMICHL/KEFERFELD/OED“ in die „Landwiedstraße“
dem Straßenverlauf ca. 1,5 km folgen
bei 3. Ampelkreuzung (nach dem Landessportfeld, beim Volkshaus Keferfeld) links in die Meggauerstraße
danach 2. Querstraße links in die „Wieningerstraße“
ausreichend und kostenlos vor dem Hauptgebäude verfügbar.
mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
Buslinie 12 (ab Hauptbahnhof Linz) bis Hst. „Meggauerstraße“, oder
Buslinien 25, 41, 43 bis Hst. „Landwiedstraße“
Institute for Veterinary Medicine Innsbruck
Dr. Annette Nigsch
- +43 50 555-71200
6020 Innsbruck
Technikerstraße 70
Opening hours and sample delivery Monday - Thursday: 7.30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m. Friday: 7.30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
In urgent cases (suspected epidemic) also outside opening hours by telephone arrangement at +43 664 8398174 and at +43 50 555 71111
mit dem Auto
Von der Autobahn kommend bei der Ausfahrt Innsbruck West/Kranebitten abfahren.
Nach der Abfahrt links abbiegen und in Richtung Stadt weiterfahren.
In den Kreisverkehr einfahren, bei der zweiten Ausfahrt abbiegen
Der Straße entlang bis in die Technikerstraße fahren
Auf der rechten Seite (Technikerstraße 70) in den Parkplatz einbiegen (rotes Ziegelbauhaus)
Es gibt um die AGES Innsbruck zwei kostenlose Parkplätze. Einer der Parkplätze befindet sich im Osten des Gebäudes und ein Parkplatz im Westen.
mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
Einstieg in die Buslinie O in der Museumstraße - bis Haltestelle Technikerstraße (= Endstation)
Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene Graz
Fachliche Leitung Abteilung
Dr. Tanja Urbanke
- +43 50 555-61208
8010 Graz
Beethovenstraße 6
Opening hours and sample delivery Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Samples delivered by 12 noon will be processed on the same day.
Suspected epidemic cases only after telephone consultation at +43 664 9670940.
mit dem Auto
Auf der A2 von Wien kommend die Abfahrt Graz Ost nehmen
an der Kreuzung Münzgrabenstraße Richtung Zentrum
über Dietrichsteinplatz und Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Platz in die Glacisstraße
nach der 3. Ampel nach rechts in die Zinzendorfgasse einbiegen
beim Kreisverkehr Sonnenfelsplatz die erste Ausfahrt in die Beethovenstraße nehmen.
Im Umkreis gibt es gebührenpflichtige Kurzparkzonen, so genannte "Blaue Zonen" und "Grüne Zonen". Diese "Grünen Zonen" sind gebührenpflichtige Parkplätze ohne zeitliche Beschränkung. Gebührenpflicht gilt Montag bis Freitag von 9.00 bis 20.00 Uhr. Der Samstag ist gebührenfrei.
mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
vom Hauptbahnhof Graz
an der Haltestelle Uni-Mensa aussteigen.
vom Jakominiplatz
Bus Linie 39: Richtung UNI RESOWI
an der Haltestelle Uni-Mensa aussteigen.
Information about sample shipment
Samples must be packed, labeled and transported in accordance with the current regulations for hazardous goods. Please observe the legal regulations for the transport of dangerous goods.
This document is for guidance only and it is up to the shipper to comply with all national and international laws.
Infectious Substances
Samples for veterinary examination have a certain probability of containing pathogens, so-called infectious substances. As such, they are subject to dangerous goods legislation, which is governed by a "European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)" concluded in Geneva in 1957.
ADR - National Law
The abbreviation ADR stands for the French name of the convention "Accord européen relatif au transport international des merchandises Dangereuses par Route". The ADR is implemented in national law in the Ordinance on the National and International Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (Dangerous Goods Ordinance Road and Rail - GGVSE) with Guidelines for the Implementation of the Dangerous Goods Ordinance Road and Rail (GGVSE Implementation Guidelines - RSE).
For the safe transport of dangerous goods by air, technical instructions are published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The technical instructions are legally binding international regulations. TheInternational Air Transport Association (IATA) publishesDangerous Goods Regulations (DGR), which incorporate the ICAO regulations. IATA may add further restrictions if necessary. ICAO regulations apply to all international flights. For domestic flights, i.e. flights within a country, national civil aviation authorities apply national legislation.
The ADR is a comprehensive set of basic regulations. It contains regulations, in particular, for the classification, packaging, labeling and documentation of dangerous goods, for handling during transport and for the vehicles used. Dangerous substances are divided into nine classes, with infectious substances in Class 6.2. Class 6.1, for example, are toxic substances, and Class 7 are radioactive substances.
Criteria - what is considered an infectious substance?
(The following are excerpts from the original text of the ADR) "Infectious substances within the meaning of the ADR are substances known or suspected to contain pathogens. Pathogens are microorganisms (including bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae, parasites and fungi) and other agents such as prions that can cause disease in humans or animals. Class 6.2 substances are subdivided as follows:
- Infectious substances, dangerous to humans.
- Infectious substances, dangerous only for animals
- Clinical wastes
- Biological substances
When preparing dangerous goods (infectious material) for transport (road or air), the first step is to find out the correct UN number.
For ADR purposes:
Specimens taken from patients (patient specimens) are human or animal material taken directly from humans or animals, including but not limited to excreta, secretions, blood and blood components, tissues and smears of tissue fluid, and body parts, transported particularly for research diagnostic, investigational, treatment, or preventive purposes.
Infectious substances shall be assigned to Class 6.2 and, as appropriate, to UN No. 2814, 2900, 3291 or 3373."
UN numbers
The United Nations (UN) has a working group ("Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods" of the "Transport Division" of the UNECE = United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) that deals with the classification and conditions for the packaging and transport of dangerous goods. Each dangerous substance is given a four-digit UN number for identification purposes in accordance with the UN Model Regulations
United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods.
The UN numbers are assigned to specific packing instructions (e.g. P 650, P 620, P 099).
Hazardousness of infectious substances - categories
Depending on their hazard potential, infectious substances are divided into categories A and B, with category A comprising the more dangerous agents.
Please also read our sample shipment leaflet - here you will also find practical examples for packaging. (You can find this under Downloads.) You can also find more details on the Swiss Post website here.
Samples that fall under category A must be announced to the Bio Risk Officer (BRO) prior to shipment. This also applies to category B samples if they originate from other EU countries or third countries (non-EU countries). Samples for rabies antibody determination from healthy domestic animals (cat, dog, ferret) from third countries are "Exempt Animal Specimen (exempt veterinary specimen)" and do NOT have to be notified to the BRO!
Wendy Shell CMIOSH MISTR BSc (Hons) MSc
- +43 50 555-38106
2340 Mödling
Robert Koch-Gasse 17
Stellvertreter Christopher Prigge
- +43 50 555-38501
2340 Mödling
Robert Koch Gasse 17
Definition of "Category A substance": "An infectious substance that is carried in such a form that, if exposed, may cause permanent disability or life-threatening or fatal disease in otherwise healthy humans or animals" Exposure occurs when an infectious substance escapes from its protective packaging and results in physical contact with humans or animals.
Infectious substances of cat. A are to be marked withUN numbers:
- UN number 2814 = Infectious substances which may cause disease in humans or in both humans and animals. Official shipping name for UN number 2814: "INFECTIBLE SUBSTANCE, HAZARDOUS TO HUMANS".
- UN No. 2900 = Infectious substances which may cause disease only in animals. Official shipping name for UN number 2900: "INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCE, DANGEROUS TO ANIMALS ONLY".
For Category A samples,packing instruction P620 is mandatory. See also the sample shipment - instruction sheet.
Infectious substances are pathogens. Examples of infectious substances that meet these criteria are listed in Tables 1 and 2.
The following tables are not exhaustive. Infectious substances, including new or emerging pathogens, that are not listed in the tables but that meet the same criteria shall be placed in Category A. Inaddition, a substance shall be placed in Category A if there is any doubt as to whether or not it meets the criteria.
Pathogens are microorganisms shown in italics in the table below. Microorganisms are bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae, parasites or fungi but also prions that can cause disease in humans and animals. Examples of microorganisms that fall under Category A in any form:
UN number and name | Microorganism (example) |
UN 2814 STICKING- HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, HAZARDOUS FOR HUMANS | Bacillus anthracis(cultures only) |
Brucella abortus(cultures only) | |
Brucella melitensis(cultures only) | |
Brucella suis(cultures only) | |
Burkholderia mallei - Pseudomonas mallei - glanders (cultures only) | |
Burkholderia pseudomallei- Pseudomonas pseudomallei (cultures only) | |
Chlamydia psittaci- avian strains (cultures only) | |
Clostridium botulinum(cultures only) | |
Coccidioides immitis(cultures only) | |
Coxiella burnetii(cultures only) | |
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus | |
Dengue virus (cultures only) | |
Eastern equine encephalitis virus (cultures only) | |
Escherichia coli, verotoxigenic (cultures only) | |
Ebola virus | |
Flexal virus | |
Francisella tularensis(cultures only) | |
Guanaritovirus | |
Hantaan virus | |
Hantavirus causing hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome | |
Hendra virus | |
Hepatitis B virus (cultures only) | |
Herpes B virus (cultures only) | |
Human immunodeficiency virus (cultures only) | |
Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (cultures only) | |
Japanese encephalitis virus (cultures only) | |
Junin virus | |
Kyasanur forest disease virus | |
Lassa virus | |
Machupovirus | |
Marburg virus | |
Monkeypox virus | |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis(cultures only) | |
Nipah virus | |
Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus | |
Poliovirus (cultures only) | |
Rabies virus (cultures only) | |
Rickettsia prowazekii(cultures only) | |
Rickettsia rickettsii(cultures only) | |
Rift Valley fever virus (cultures only) | |
Russian early summer encephalitis virus (cultures only) | |
Sabiavirus | |
Shigella dysenteriae type 1(cultures only) | |
Tick-borne encephalitis virus (cultures only) | |
Variolavirus | |
Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (cultures only) | |
West Nile virus (cultures only) | |
Yellow fever virus (cultures only) | |
Yersinia pestis (cultures only) |
Table 1
UN number and name | Microorganism (example) |
UN 2900 CONTAINMENT- HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, only HAZARDOUS FOR ANIMALS | African swine fever virus (cultures only) |
Avian paramyxovirus type 1 - velogenic Newcastle disease virus (cultures only) | |
Classical swine fever virus / European swine fever (cultures only) | |
Foot-and-mouth disease virus (cultures only) | |
Lumpy skin disease virus (cultures only) | |
Mycoplasma mycoides- causative agent of infectious bovine pleuropneumonia (cultures only) | |
Small ruminant plague virus (cultures only) | |
Rinderpest virus (cultures only) | |
sheep pox virus (cultures only) | |
Goat pox virus (cultures only) | |
Swine vesicular disease virus (cultures only) | |
Vesicular stomatitis virus (cultures only) |
Table 2
Definition of "Category B substance" = "An infectious substance that does not meet the criteria for inclusion in Category A." Category B infectious substances are assigned toUN No. 3373. The official shipping name for UN number 3373 is "BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCE, CATEGORY B."
For Category B samples, packing instruction P650 is mandatory. See also the sample shipping instruction sheet.
Specimens collected from animals that have a minimal likelihood of containing pathogens may be transported as Exempt Animal Specimen(s) if they are transported in packaging that prevents any release of the specimen. Exempt Animal specimen(s) are not subject to IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations or ADR regulations. Exempt Animal specimen(s) include dog or cat serum specimens for rabies antibody testing. Specimens for rabies antibody determination do NOT have to be reported to the BRO! Certain packaging requirements must be followed when transporting such specimens. The packaging must not break under normal transport conditions! The sender is responsible for packing according to the regulations. The packaging (e.g. of serum or blood samples) must consist of three components (see figure): A) a vessel as primary packaging.
- Primary containers must be leak-proof.
- Use watertight containers for liquid samples with a tight seal, e.g., with a screw cap or a snap cap (e.g., serum tubes or safe-lock Eppendorf tubes). The sample tube should be taped as an additional seal.
- When placing multiple primary tubes in a single secondary package, the primary tubes must be separated by an absorbent material. Sufficient padding and absorbent material must surround each primary receptacle containing liquid.
- Primary containers must be carefully labeled, e.g., for rabies antibody testing with the pet's microchip number and possibly the pet's name. Please use a waterproof pen.
B) from absorbent material
- Place absorbent material between the primary and secondary containers, and use enough material to absorb the entire contents of all primary containers.
- Acceptable absorbent materials include cellulose, kitchen roll material, or paper towels.
C) From a secondary container (secondary packaging).
- The secondary container cannot serve as an outer shipping container.
- The second container must be impervious to liquids such as serum or blood.
- Place an enclosed document, e.g., rabies form - preferably in a plastic bag - between the secondary container and the outer packaging
- If necessary (e.g. for sera), place a cooling cartridge in the secondary container next to the samples - do not use dry ice!
D) Outer packaging Primary container (e) and secondary packaging must be enclosed in an outer packaging.
- The outer packaging must be rigid. Foam boxes, plastic bags, and paper envelopes are not suitable outer packaging.
- The outer shipping package must be labeled on the address side with the words "Exempt Animal Specimen(s)" or "Exempt Veterinary Specimen".

Last updated: 05.11.2024
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