In this webinar, we will provide an overview of current topics and new developments in food law at national and European level. We will inform you about new requirements and trends and address the challenges relevant to you in the industry by addressing contentious issues and common mistakes from an official perspective.
Among other things, we will address the practical implications of the new guideline on labelling and presentation of vegan and vegetarian alternatives, as well as the constantly growing challenges regarding sustainability-related information on food, such as environmental claims or sustainability seals. The webinar will also provide time for questions and discussion.
Further topics will be defined in the course of the year and can be found in the detailed programme shortly before the event.
You are also welcome to send your current food law questions in advance to
The questions collected will be answered by the speakers during the webinar.
Target group
- People from food production and processing
- Interested professionals who would like to learn more
Registration information
Please register by 04.11.2024 at the latest.
This event will be held as an online-only event .
Technical management and lecturer
Dr Florian Tschandl
Head of the Institute Competence Centre - Food Chain
AGES GmbH, Business Unit Food Safety
Further speakers
DI Federica Ronchetti, LLM
Competence Centre - Food Chain
AGES GmbH, Food Safety Division
DI Martina Helmlinger, BSc
Competence Centre - Food Chain
AGES GmbH, Food Safety Division